Introducing the new generation of Capital Market AssumptionsAddressing shortcomings in the existing CMA landscape.
InsightsIntroducing the new generation of Capital Market AssumptionsAddressing shortcomings in the existing CMA landscape.
InsightsCommon macro drivers across asset classesConstructing factors derived from discounted cash flow logic.
InsightsHow should you model long-horizon expectations?Long-horizon modelling is essential for pricing and risk assessments of long-duration assets.
InsightsForward-looking assessment of risk and returnHow to redefine expected returns and risk given limits to analysing historical returns.
InsightsYour investor characteristics and objectives can be quantifiedUsing portfolio simulations to help investors understand allocation decisions.
InsightsHow to think about risk and its drivers at different horizonsAsset return distributions change with investment horizon.
Research PublicationsReal Estate Exposures to Bond and Equity Return DriversJournal of Alternative Investments (2024)
Research PublicationsSimulating Long-Horizon Returns on Government BondsJournal of Fixed Income (2024)
Research PublicationsUnderstanding International Long-term Interest Rate ComovementAdvances in Econometrics (2022)
Research PublicationsFinancial Market Volatility, Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Investor SentimentJournal of Banking and Finance (2018)
Research PublicationsInformation in the Term Structure of Yield Curve VolatilityJournal of Finance (2016)